- 公司現已通過(guò)了qs認證的審核,是潮汕地區目前唯一通過(guò)此項審核的生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家。Company now already through QS verification of authentication, Chaozhou-Shantou region area at present only through this manufacturer checked.
- 史密斯對一種新塑料的實(shí)驗獲得了成功,收到了很好的效果。Smith's experiment on a new kind of plastic has caught on and he's got a good result.
- 消除了QS NOTE中涉及工作中斷和QS中過(guò)程監控和操作指導方法與內容的要求的清單。Removed QS NOTE related to 'disruption' of the job. Removed QS 'laundry list' of requirements for process monitoring and operator instruction methods and content.
- 獲得to obtain
- 認證authenticate
- 我們首先推導出了QS-CDMA系統同步誤差在對稱(chēng)區間上均勻分布的平均情況和最壞情況下系統誤碼率(BER)的表達式。First the average and worst Bit error rate(BER) expression of QS-CDMA system was deduced, when the synchronous error is uniformly distributed within the symmetrical area.
- 他獲得了建筑學(xué)的學(xué)位證書(shū)。He obtained a diploma in architecture.
- 她在二十一歲生日的時(shí)獲得了一筆遺產(chǎn)She came into a fortune on her21st birthday.
- 她獲得了奧林匹克體操比賽的資格。She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition.
- 一發(fā)現虧損,就立即提出指控而獲得了逮捕令逮捕那用公款的人。Soon after the loss was discovered a warrant was sworn out for the embezzler's arrest.
- 他沒(méi)費多少勁就獲得了演講比賽一等獎。He won the first prize in the speech contest without much effort.
- 她的第一部書(shū)就獲得了一定程度的成功。She achieved a measure of success with her first book.
- 他們在第十五次試驗時(shí)獲得了成功。They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth trial.
- 他獲得了一張護照使他能離開(kāi)這國家。He received a laissez-passer enabling him to leave the country.
- 國家重新統一了,奴隸獲得了自由。The nation was reunited and the slaves were set free.
- 經(jīng)過(guò)10年的奮斗,這位歌手終于獲得了成功。After ten year of struggling, the singer finally make his mark.
- 一開(kāi)始,那個(gè)新工作有點(diǎn)使人灰心喪氣,但是一旦我獲得了需要的能力,也就沒(méi)什么了。The new job was a bit daunting at first but it was all right once I'd got my eye in.
- 針剌療法使許多啞人獲得了講話(huà)能力。Acupuncture treatment has enabled many mutes to speak.
- 盡管遭受干旱,還是獲得了好收成。A good harvest was obtained in spite of the drought.
- 他非常高興,因為獲得了諾貝爾獎金。He's in bliss that he's won the Nobel Prize.