- 切勿良莠不分一起拋。Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.
- 相mutually
- 不分良莠be not discriminate between good and bad
- 混mix
- 良莠不辯not know good from bad; cannot distinguish weeds from useful plants
- 相混interblend
- 相簿photo album
- 混血hybrid
- 我不會(huì )良莠不分,我承認所繼承的財產(chǎn)起著(zhù)一定的作用。I am not throwing out the baby with the bath water : I do concede that inherited properties play a part.
- 相框picture frame
- 混頻器mixer
- 區別好壞;分清良莠Separate the wheat from the chaff
- 人相physiognomy
- 混混bludger
- 相比較compare ... with ...
- 城門(mén)敞開(kāi),良莠齊來(lái)。City gate stands open to the bad as well as the good.
- 混在一起lump
- 相配match
- 三相triphase
- 混裝mixed loading