



  • - (舞蹈) dance; dancing:

    social dance; ballroom dance; 交誼舞

    drum dance; 腰鼓舞

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Wu Ming 舞明

  • - (舞蹈; 做出舞蹈的動(dòng)作) dance; move about as in a dance:

    dance in the air; 漫天飛舞

    dance for joy 手舞足蹈

    - (手持某物舞蹈) dance with sth. in one's hands:

    perform a dragon's dance; 舞龍

    perform a sword-dance 舞劍

    - (揮舞) brandish; flourish; wield:

    flourish a pair of swords; 手舞雙刀

    brandish spears and sticks 舞槍弄棍

    - (耍; 玩弄) play tricks with; juggle:

    juggle with the law; pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology 舞文弄法

    - (搞; 弄) get



  1. 她等他邀請她跳舞,而不愿顯得失慎。
    She waited for him to invite her to dance, not wishing to seem bold.
  2. 他忸忸怩怩走到她跟前請她跳舞。
    He sidled up/over to her and asked her to dance.
  3. 請你跟我跳個(gè)舞好嗎?
    Would you like to dance?
  4. 她喜歡隨著(zhù)快節奏的音樂(lè )跳舞。
    She loves to dance to fast music.
  5. 通常,是男士伸出手來(lái)邀請女士跳舞。
    As a rule, it's the gentleman that holds out his hand to invite a lady to dance.
  6. 她喜歡隨著(zhù)音樂(lè )跳舞。
    She loves to dance to music.
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