頭發(fā)的自然光澤來(lái)自它自身的護發(fā)素:油脂,它含有蠟和脂肪,還含有抗感染的自然抗菌劑。油脂含量過(guò)多會(huì )導致油性發(fā)質(zhì),相反,油脂含量過(guò)少則會(huì )導致干性發(fā)質(zhì)。
Hair's natural shine is supplied by its own conditioner, sebum, an oil composed of waxes and fats and also containing a natural antiseptic that helps fight infection. Too much sebum results in greasy hair and conversely, too little sebum makes dry hair.
I find that eating low-fat spread instead of butter helps in the battle of the bulge.