- 肉毒桿菌毒素A治療先天性眼球震顫22例Effects of botulin A on 22 patients with congenital nystagmus
- 肉毒桿菌毒素,A型Botulinum toxin type A
- A型肉毒桿菌毒素治療眼瞼及面肌痙攣Treatment of blepharospasm and facial spasm with botulinum toxin A
- 已知的注射肉毒桿菌毒素副作用極少。The known adverse effects related to botulinum A toxin injection have achieved little attention.
- 在這之后,數項研究都評定肉毒桿菌毒素是一種偏頭痛預防藥物。Since then, several studies have evaluated botulinum toxin as a migraine preventative.
- 肉毒毒素A型Botulinum Toxin Type A
- 肉毒桿菌??偏頭痛克星Botox: Taking Pains to Relieve Headaches
- 該化學(xué)物質(zhì)能消滅肉毒桿菌。The chemical destroys botulinus.
- 應用肉毒毒素A治療腭肌陣攣性耳鳴臨床分析The Use of Botulinum Toxin A in the Treatment of Palatal Myoclonus Tinnitus
- 家族性肉毒桿菌中毒臨床報告Clinic Report of Familial Clostridium Botulinum Poisoning
- 肛門(mén)直腸局部注射肉毒毒素A治療先天性巨結腸癥Treatment of Hirschsprung disease by botulinum toxin A through anorectal injection
- 如果肉毒桿菌真的有效,我就得救了。It'll be a godsend to me if it can really help.
- 屬于、關(guān)于肉毒桿菌的,或由肉毒桿菌產(chǎn)生的。of or relating to or produced by the botulinus.
- 肉毒毒素Abotulinal toxin A; XR
- 有傳言說(shuō)Ethan和Bob由于去做每周一次的肉毒桿菌除皺而錯過(guò)了拍照。Rumor has it Ethan and Bob missed the photo op due to their weekly Botox appointment.
- A型肉毒毒素局部注射治療賁門(mén)失弛緩癥前后的食管動(dòng)力研究Research on esophagus kinematics before and after treatment of achalasia of cardia with injection of type A kerotoxin
- 1995年,她承認,她在巴格達附近建立的一家工廠(chǎng)制造了能殺死數百萬(wàn)人的炭疽和肉毒桿菌。In 1995, she admitted that a factory she had set up near Baghdad had made enough anthrax and botulinum to kill millions.
- A型肉毒毒素botulinum toxin type A<臉痙攣治療藥>
- 但醫生也警告我,肉毒桿菌可能會(huì )有副作用,比如惡心、臉潮紅和局部酸痛。My doctor has warned me about some of the possible side effects of Botox like nausea, redness and soreness
- 胃鏡下小劑量注射肉毒毒素A治療賁門(mén)失弛緩癥的近期療效觀(guān)察Recent outcome of small dose injection of botulinum toxin-A in treating achalasia of cardia under gastroscope