- 考德里A型包涵體Cowdry type A inclusion bodies
- 乙型包涵體type B inclusion
- 考to check
- 甲型包涵體type A inclusion
- 氏clan name
- 包涵體純化purification of inclusion bodies
- I型鴨疫里默氏桿菌Riemerella anatipestifer (I)
- 考研take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
- 雞包涵體肝炎病毒chicken inclusion hepatitis virus
- 狼瘡型包涵物LTI; lupus-type inclusion
- 型的thysanuriform
- 考拉koala
- 包涵體蛋白的變復性研究Refolding of Genetic Engineering Protein Expressed as Inclusion Bodies
- 粗體bold
- 膠原I型collagen type I
- 窗體forms
- 外型exterior
- 體外in vitro
- 隱性遺傳性包涵體肌病Autosomal recessive inclusion bodymyopathy
- I型膠原Type I collagen