- 經(jīng)皮椎體成形術(shù)治療骨質(zhì)疏松性椎體壓縮骨折:術(shù)后疼痛和活動(dòng)狀況評估及隨訪(fǎng)Percutaneous vertebroplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: A follow-up evaluation on post-operative ache and activity
- 經(jīng)皮椎體成形術(shù)Percutaneous vertebroplasty
- 經(jīng)皮椎體成形術(shù)及并發(fā)癥的護理體會(huì )Nursing experience for patients with complication and centrum forming operation through skin
- 經(jīng)皮注射骨水泥椎體成形術(shù)在脊柱骨轉移癌治療中的應用Percutaneous Polymethylmethacrylate vertebroplasty in the treatment of osteolytic vertebrael metastatic carcinoma
- 經(jīng)皮椎體成形術(shù)在脊柱溶骨性腫瘤中的應用Clinical application of percutaneous vertebroplasty for osteolytic spinal tumor
- 經(jīng)皮椎體成形術(shù)治療骨質(zhì)疏松性椎體壓縮骨折Percutaneous vertebroplasty for the treatment of osteoporosis vertebral compression fracture
- 經(jīng)皮椎體后凸成型術(shù)percutaneous kyphoplasty
- 塔利亞科齊鼻成形術(shù)Tagliacotian rhinoplasty
- 鼓室成形術(shù)238耳臨床療效分析Evaluation of tym panoplasty: A reportof 238 ears
- 椎弓根螺釘內固定結合椎體成形治療胸腰椎骨折病人的護理Nursing care of patients with thoracic and lumbar vertebras facture treated with vertebral body shaping and inter-nal fixation of pedicle of vertebral arch by screws
- Dyractflow流動(dòng)復合體窩溝釉質(zhì)成形封閉術(shù)后隨訪(fǎng)3年臨床效果評價(jià)Evaluating the clinical effects of light cure Dyractflow in pit and fissure enamel-plasty sealant technique during 3 years
- 塔利亞科齊鼻成形術(shù),意大利式鼻成形術(shù)Tagliacotian rhinoplasty
- 醫用滌綸墊隔顳下頜關(guān)節成形術(shù)骨斷面的遠期療效評價(jià)Evaluation of Long-term Effect of Planting Dacron in the Gap of Osteotomized Fragments in Arthroplasty of TMJ
- 活性骨水泥經(jīng)后路椎體成形治療老年性胸腰椎爆裂性骨折TITLE treatment for gerontic thoracolumbar burst fractures with transpedicular fixation combined with bioactive cement vertebroplasty
- 輸卵管介入成形術(shù)聯(lián)合腹腔鏡治療遠端輸卵管阻塞的護理Nursing care of patients with distal uterine tube obstruction underwent uterine tube intervention combined with laparoscope therapy
- 經(jīng)外耳道進(jìn)路咽鼓管成形術(shù)(動(dòng)物實(shí)驗)Eustachian Tuboplasty Via External Auditory Meatus Approach
- 經(jīng)皮穿刺成形術(shù)percutaneous vertebroplasty
- 經(jīng)皮瓣膜成形術(shù)Percutaneous valvuloplasty
- 改進(jìn)的椎弓根釘固定并椎體成形術(shù)對胸腰椎骨折術(shù)后患者脊髓神經(jīng)功能恢復的影響Functional outcome of spinal cord nerve in patients with thoracolumbar fracture treated with modified transpedicular fixation combined with transpedicular vertebroplasty
- 經(jīng)皮脊柱后凸成形術(shù)kyphoplasty