



  • - (物體受到幾方面的拉力或壓力以后呈現的緊張狀態) taut; tight:

    pull the rope taut; 把繩子拉緊

    The bowstring is stretched taut. 弓弦繃得很緊。

    - (物體受外力作用變得固定或牢固) fast; firm:

    tighten the screw; 把螺絲擰緊

    make the door fast; 把門關緊

    - (事物之間非常接近; 空隙極?。?close; tight:

    The two shops are next to each other. 那兩家鋪子緊挨著。

    The whole nation is closely united. 全國人民團結緊。

    - (動作先后密切接連; 事情急迫) urgent; pressing; tense:

    The wind blows hard. 風刮得很緊。

    Things are tense. 風聲緊。

    - (嚴格) strict; stringent:

    exercise strict control; be strict with 管得緊

    - (經濟不寬裕; 拮據) hard up; short of money:

    be short of money; be hard up; 手頭緊

    Money is tight. 銀根緊。

  • - (使緊) tighten:

    tighten the nut; 緊螺母

    tighten the knapsack straps 緊一緊背包帶



  1. 外科醫生問他是否感到緊張。
    The surgeon asked him if he felt nervous.
  2. 這條褲子我穿太緊了。
    This pair of trousers is too tight for me.
  3. 小孩穿著緊繃的靴子很難受。
    The child was uncomfortable in his tight boots.
  4. 那位胖婦人穿著金色的緊身禮服,顯得滑稽可笑。
    That fat woman looked ridiculous in her tight golden dress.
  5. 她緊緊地摟著她的孩子。
    She held her baby tight in her arms.
  6. 小提琴的弦上得太緊,突然斷了。
    The violin string snapped because it was fastened too tight.
  7. 這抽屜太緊了,我打不開。
    This drawer is too tight for me to open it.
  8. 他看上去很緊張。
    He looks nervous.


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