



  • - (計算數目) calculate; reckon; compute; figure:

    (be) good at writing and reckoning; 能寫會算

    calculate the cost of a journey; 算算旅行的費用

    - (計算進去) include; count:

    Count me out. 不要把我算在內。

    Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo? 你把卸貨所需的時間算進去了嗎?

    - (謀劃;計劃) plan; calculate:

    plot against sb.; 暗算

    miscalculate; make an unwise decision 失算

    - (推測) think; suppose:

    I suppose he'll have started today. 我算他今天該動身了。

    I think he will come today. 我算他今天會來。

    - (認做; 當做) consider; regard as; count as:

    Even if you are right, that's not the way to put it. 就算你對了,也不該那么說呀!

    She can be counted as a dancer. 她可以算一個舞蹈家。

    - (算數; 承認有效力) carry weight; count:

    You just made a promise and now you've gone back on it! 你怎么剛說了又不算了?

    One or two powers should not have the final say on world affairs. 世界上的事不應 該由一兩個國家說了算。

    - (后面跟“了”: 作罷;不再計較) let it be; let it pass:

    That's enough! Let it go at that.; Forget it. 算了,別說了。

    If he doesn't want to go, he doesn't need to. We'll go anyway. 他不愿意去就算了,咱們反正去。

  • - (總算) at long last; in the end; finally:

    His wish to study music has come true at last. 他學習音樂的愿望這回算實現了。

    The problem is finally solved. 問題算解決了。



  1. 她自稱精通計算機,其實她是假充內行。
    She claims to know all about computers but really she's a sham.
  2. 她對計算機有廣博的知識。
    She has a broad knowledge of computers.
  3. 我們復制了計算機磁盤以防意外。
    We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.
  4. 我們正生活在計算機時代。
    We are living in the computer era.
  5. 你可以接通全國計算機網絡。
    You can plug into the national computer network.
  6. 他不知道怎樣使用計算機。
    He doesn't know how to use the computer.
  7. 這家公司現在使用電腦來計算所有的帳目。
    The company now uses a computer to do all its account.
  8. 計算機程序設計人員的一般工資是多少?
    What's the going rate of computer programmers?


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