



  • - (站立) stand; be on one's feet:

    stand clear; stand back; 站開

    stand still; 站著不動

    - (停下來; 停留) stop; halt; pause:

    Get off the bus after it came to a stop.; Don't get out until the bus stops. 等車站穩再下。

    This bus makes no stops along the way. 這車中途不站。

  • - (停車點) stop; station:

    bus station; 長途汽車站

    bus stop; 公共汽車站

    - (為某種業務設立的機構) centre; station:

    fire station; 消防站

    power station; 發電站



  1. 我可以搭乘你的便車到車站嗎?
    Can I hitch a lift with you as far as the station?
  2. 車站到我家只有幾步路的路程。
    The station is a short walk from my house
  3. 乘客們擁擠在火車站上等候乘車。
    Passengers thronged the station waiting for their trains.
  4. 火車緩緩地進站。
    The train slowly came to the station.
  5. 他們決定修建一所核電站。
    They decided to establish a nuclear power station.
  6. 你能告訴我去火車站最近的路嗎?
    Can you tell me the nearest way to the railway station?
  7. 他在火車站的月臺上走來走去。
    He was walking up and down the station platform.
  8. 由車站走到這里只有十分鐘的路程。
    It is no more than ten minutes' walk from the station.
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