- 稱(chēng)譽(yù)佳釀.eulogizing over the vintage wine
- 稱(chēng)道commend
- 莆田"文獻名邦"稱(chēng)譽(yù)由來(lái)考A Textual Research on the Origin of the Honorary Title of Putian "Famous Town of Culture"
- 這所學(xué)校教學(xué)優(yōu)秀,遠近稱(chēng)譽(yù)。The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.
- 他被任命為印度總司令,人們交口稱(chēng)譽(yù)。His appointment as Commander-in-Chief in India had been generally acclaimed.
- 他的行為值得稱(chēng)道。His behavior is worthy of praise.
- 他被任命為印度總司令,人們交口稱(chēng)譽(yù)。His appointment as Commander-in-Chief in India had been generally acclaimed.
- 值得稱(chēng)道be praiseworthy
- 安的天真行為至少是一種值得稱(chēng)道的缺點(diǎn)。Ann's naivety is at least a fault on the right side.
- [諺]稱(chēng)譽(yù)白日須待夜來(lái)時(shí);對尚未成功之事不可譽(yù)之過(guò)早。In the evening one may praise the day.
- 我想我可以省一口氣,可恥、可憎和不值稱(chēng)道的就不必說(shuō)了。I think I can save my breath on those who were dishonourable, execrable and anything but worthy of praise.
- 七百年前,意大利旅行家馬可 - 波羅曾稱(chēng)譽(yù)它是“世界上最美麗華貴之城”。About 700 years ago, Marco Polo, perhaps the most celebrated Italian traveler, called it "the finest and most magnificent city in the World".
- 科頓·馬瑟以這樣的話(huà)稱(chēng)道溫思羅普,似乎是合理的。It seemed natural to Cotton Mather to refer thus to John Winthrop.
- 無(wú)足稱(chēng)道nothing commendable; nothing praiseworthy
- 受人稱(chēng)譽(yù)要能不自滿(mǎn)被他欺侮要能不怨尤遭逢失敗要能不氣餒處事成功要能不驕恣。Don't be smug with praise. Don't whine about humiliation. Don't be discouraged by failure. Don't be arrogant with success.
- 刈稱(chēng)道岔symmetrical railroad switch
- 令人稱(chēng)道praiseworthy
- 使到規模浩大的新機場(chǎng)工程,能夠在預算費用內如期完竣。 這一點(diǎn)蠃得世界各國的稱(chēng)譽(yù),亦是香港人覺(jué)得非常驕傲的一點(diǎn)。We take immense pride in the completion of the new airport on time and within budget, which has won the acclaim of the world.
- 軟件開(kāi)發(fā)中的“大爆炸”模型,最值得稱(chēng)道的地方是什么?What is the best feature of the big-bang model of software development?
- 二進(jìn)對稱(chēng)道[電] binary symmetric channel