



  • - (弄碎糧食的工具) mill; millstones:

    a hand mill 推磨

  • - (用磨弄碎糧食) mill; grind:

    mill grain; 磨谷物

    make bean curd by grinding soya beans 磨豆腐

    - (掉轉) turn round:

    too narrow to turn a car round 磨不開車

  • - (摩擦) rub; wear:

    rub off [out]; 磨去

    talk till one's jaws ache; 磨破了嘴皮

    - (研磨) grind; mull; polish:

    grind a lens; 磨鏡片

    polish a jade; 磨光玉石

    - (折磨) grind down; wear down [out]:

    be ground down or worn down by the illness; 被疾病磨垮了

    the wear and tear of life; 生活的折磨

    - (糾纏) trouble; annoy; pester:

    beg father without stop to buy a toy pistol for him; 磨爸爸給他買玩具手槍

    Don't keep on bothering me. 別老磨人 !

    - (消滅;磨滅) die out; obliterate; efface:

    will endure for centuries; 百世不磨

    never be obliterated [effaced] 不可磨滅

    - (消耗時間;拖延) waste time; idle; dawdle:

    Don't idle away your precious time. 別閑磨大好時光 !

    Stop dawdling and get going. 快走吧,別再磨時間了。



  1. 我們把小麥磨成面粉。
    We grind up the wheat to make flour.
  2. 他們正在把小麥磨成面粉。
    They are grinding wheat into flour.
  3. 有些人睡覺時磨牙齒。
    Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep.
  4. 刻在石頭上的文字已磨損了。
    The inscription on the stone had worn away.
  5. 他正在磨刀。
    He is burnishing the knife.
  6. 他在石頭上磨刀。
    He whetted his knife on the stone.
  7. 他用碾磨機把谷物磨成面粉。
    He used a miller to mill the grain into flour.
  8. 他們在磨刀石上磨刀子。
    They ground the knife on a grindstone.


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