- 砍to chop
- 腦袋(n) person's head
- 砍下chop down
- 砍掉hew off
- 大腦袋jolterhead
- 砍頭behead
- 砍樹(shù)felling
- 他抓了抓他那頭發(fā)花白的腦袋。He scratched his grizzled poll.
- 砍斷stump
- 我要用拳頭敲你的腦袋,以此報復你昨晚在他們家對我的侮辱。I'm going to punch your head in revenge for the insults you gave me at their home last night.
- 砍死cut sth down
- 不要把腦袋塞滿(mǎn)無(wú)用的東西。Don't clog up your memory with useless facts.
- 砍柴cut firewood
- 當他看到路中間坐著(zhù)一只怪獸時(shí),他還以為自己的腦袋出毛病了。He thought he was going off the rails when he saw a strange animal sitting in the middle of the road.
- 腦袋糊里糊涂have a foggy noodle
- 他的臉上留有馬刀砍下的傷痕。His face was seamed with sabre cuts.
- 用你的腦袋想一想!Use your loaf!
- 砍倒cut down
- 他腦袋挨了一記重擊。He got a bang on the head.
- 亂砍mangle