



  • - (儉省; 節約) economize; save:

    economize wherever possible; 能省的就省

    save a lot of trouble; 省掉不少麻煩

    - (免掉; 減去)mit; leave out:

    eliminate one step from the process; 省一道工序

    This sentence can be omitted. 這個句子可以省去。

  • - (行政區劃單位,直屬中央) province:

    Hebei Province; 河北省

    provincial people's congress; 省人民代表大會

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Sheng Zang 省臧

  • - (檢查自己的思想行為) examine oneself critically:

    make a self-examination; introspect; 反省

    be critical of oneself 內省

    - (探望; 問候) visit (esp. one's parents or elders):

    go home to pay respects to one's parents; 歸省

    visit relative's grave 省墓

    - (醒悟; 明白) become conscious; be aware:

    lose consciousness 不省人事



  1. 我們得省吃儉用來付帳。
    We had to scrimp and save to pay the bills.
  2. 我出生在河北省的一個小村莊。
    I was born in a small village in Hebei Province.
  3. 他們支持日本接管德國以前在山東省的所有權益。
    They supported Japan's take over of all the former German interests in Shandong Province.
  4. 這個國家沿海的省份非常富有。
    The country's maritime provinces are rich.
  5. 就石油能源而言,我們愈節省愈好。
    As far as oil energy is concerned, we cannot be too frugal.
  6. 【諺】一針及時省九針。
    A stitch in time saves nine.
  7. 【諺】省一文就得一文。
    A penny saved is a penny earned.
  8. 改用煤氣集中供暖將節省大筆開支。
    Conversion to gas central heating will save you a lot of money.


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