



  • - (人或物體表面的一層組織) skin:

    scrape a bit of skin off; 擦破一塊皮

    bark; 樹皮

    - (皮革) leather; hide:

    leather boots; 皮靴

    curry leather 硝皮

    - (毛皮) fur:

    fur coat; 皮大衣

    fur collar; 皮領

    - (包在外面的一層東西) cover; wrapper:

    cloth-wrapper; 包袱皮兒

    book cover; jacket 書皮兒

    - (表面) surface:

    land for building; ground; 地皮

    float on the surface of the water 飄在水皮兒上

    - (某些薄片狀的東西) a broad, flat piece (of some thin material); sheet:

    skin (on boiled milk); 奶皮兒

    iron sheet 鐵皮

    - (橡膠) rubber:

    rubber [elastic] band 皮筋兒

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Pi Rixiu 皮日休

  • - (酥脆的東西受潮后變韌) become soft and soggy; no longer crisp:

    The peanuts aren't crisp any more. 花生皮了。

    - (頑皮; 調皮) naughty:

    What a naughty child! 這孩子真皮!

    - (感到無所謂) case-hardened; no longer care:

    He gets punished so often that he no longer cares. 他老挨罰,都皮了。



  1. 他的黑色皮沙發看上去很昂貴。
    His black leather couch looks expensive.
  2. 因空氣干燥皮子都皺了。
    The dry air shrivels the leather.
  3. 塑膠有時可以替代皮革。
    Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather.
  4. 孩子問老師leather(皮革)是什么,老師說是:hide(皮),他問老師為什么讓他hide(藏起來)。這個故事是用文字來開玩笑。
    The boy asked his teacher what leather was and she said "Hide." He asked why she told him go hide. This story plays on words.
  5. 她的皮膚像絲綢一樣光滑。
    Her skin is as smooth as silk.
  6. 他的皮膚是棕色的
    He had brown skin.
  7. 我有一副皮連指手套。
    I have a pair of leather mittens.
  8. 戴著皮護手套的摩托車手們正在等待比賽開始。
    Motorcyclists with leather gauntlets are waiting for the start of the game.


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