- 博obtain
- 地大物博a vast territory with rich resources
- 考博prepare for the doctoral qualifying examination
- 讀博pursue the Ph.D
- CZ-2CCZ-2C
- 博多Bodo
- 博格Borger
- 博美犬Pomeranian
- 博識pansophy
- 博科Boke
- 博特Bothe
- 博克Bock
- 博福特Beaufort
- 博學(xué)者polymath
- 博聞強記have encyclopedic knowledge
- 博學(xué)者未必都是聰明的。Learned men are not necessarily wise.
- 博達BDCom
- 彭博資訊Bloomberg
- 他是一位博聞強記的學(xué)者。He is a scholar who has wide learning and a retentive memory.
- 博古conversant with things of the past