- 煩feel vexed
- 吵醒wake
- 煩死了be bored to death
- 煩死bored; boring
- 他們被一聲怪叫吵醒了。They were awakened by a weird shriek.
- 耐煩patient (adjective)
- 吵著(zhù)要cry for
- 聲音小一點(diǎn),不然你就把一家人都吵醒了。Be quiet or you'll wake the whole household.
- 別煩我。Don't bother me.
- 吵雜noisy
- 吵雜的noisy
- 不要煩我啦,你們大家這樣一哄我,搞得我暈頭轉向啦。Let me alone. I don't know whether I'm on my head or my heels when you all start on me like this.
- 我被他們的喊叫聲吵醒。I was wakened by their shouts.
- 他把我煩死了。He wearied me to death.
- 她嘮叨得把他煩死。She nagged him to death.
- 街上的喧嘩吵醒了屋子里的每一個(gè)人。The tumult in the streets awakened everyone in the house.
- 鬧鐘的刺耳鈴聲把我吵醒了。The jar of the alarm woke me up.
- 我對每周都要加班煩透了,我希望能有個(gè)常日班的工作。I'm fed up with working overtime every week and wish I had an ordinary nine-to-five job.
- 時(shí)鐘的聲響把我吵醒了。The chime of the clock woke me.
- 一只蒼蠅總在煩我。A fly keeps annoying.