



  • - (液體的小滴) drop (of liquid):

    raindrops 雨點

    - (細小的痕跡) spot; dot; speck:

    ink spots; 墨點

    stain 污點

    - (漢字的筆畫“、”) dot stroke (in Chinese characters)
    - (小數點) decimal point; point:

    “3.5”is read as “three point five”. “3.5”讀作“三點五”。

    - {數} (幾何學中指沒有長、寬、厚而人有位置的幾何圖形) point:

    datum point [mark]; 基準點

    the point of intersection of two lines 兩線的交點

    - (一定的地點或限度) place; point:

    boiling point; 沸點

    residential area; 居民點

    - (事物的方面或部分) aspect; feature:

    view from this aspect; 從這點上去看

    characteristic feature; 特點

    - (規定的鐘點) appointed time:

    behind time; delayed; late; 誤點

    on time; 正點

    - (點心) light refreshment:

    tea and cake; tea; 茶點

    breakfast 早點

  • - (表示少量) tiny amount; a little; a bit; some:

    get [have] something to eat; 吃一點東西

    feel a little bit cold; 覺得有一點冷

    - (用于事項):

    I have some tentative suggestions. 我有幾點不成熟的想法。

    - (時間單位,一晝夜的二十四分之一) o'clock:

    nine o'clock in the morning; 上午九點鐘

    What time is it now? 現在幾點了?

    - {刷} (計算活字及字模的大小的單位) point, a unit of measurement for type
  • - (用筆加上點子) put a dot:

    make a comma; 點個逗號

    put three dots to show that something has been omitted 點三個點表示省略

    - (觸到物體后立刻離開) touch lightly as with finger, brush or rod; touch on very briefly; skim:

    dragonflies skimming (over) the water; 蜻蜓點水

    He pushed the boat off with a shove of the pole. 他用篙一點就把船撐開了。

    - (向下稍微動一動立刻恢復原位) nod:

    She nodded to me in a friendly fashion. 她友好地向我點頭。

    - (使液體一滴滴地向下落) drip:

    put drops in the eyes 點眼藥

    - (點播) sow in holes; dibble:

    dibble beans 點豆子

    - (一個個地查對) check one by one:

    check over goods; take stock; 點貨

    count the number of people; 點人數

    - (在許多人或事物中指定) select; choose:

    We ordered four beefsteaks. 我們點了四塊牛排。

    - (指點; 啟發) hint; point out:

    He quickly took the hint. 一點他就明白了。

    - (引著火) light; burn; kindle:

    light a lamp; 點燈

    He's got a fiery temper and flares up at the slightest provocation. 他是火爆性子,一點就著。



  1. 那輛火車三點鐘準時到達。
    The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock.
  2. 電視機設定在10點鐘自動打開。
    The video is programmed to switch on at ten o'clock.
  3. 他到十一點才回家。
    Not until eleven o'clock did he come home.
  4. 我在七點鐘的新聞報道中聽到了這則消息。
    I heard it on the 7 o'clock news.
  5. 現在是六點鐘左右。
    It is about six o'clock now.
  6. 現在是十一點鐘。
    It's eleven o'clock now.
  7. 西班牙是我們喜歡的度假地點。
    Spain is our favorite holiday spot.
  8. 這點很明顯,你用不著講個沒完。
    You needn't labor a point that is perfectly plain.


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