- 激光laser
- 激光打印機laser printer
- TMRTriple modular redundancy(TMR)
- 激光筆laser pointer
- TMR效應TMR effect
- 激光雷達lidar
- 裹包TMRBaled-TMR
- 激光武器laser beam weapons
- 全混日糧(TMR)TMR
- 激光二極管laser diode
- 三模冗余(TMR)Triple Modular Redundanee(TMR)
- 激光切割laser cutting
- 全混合日糧(TMR)total mixed ration (TMR)
- 激光頭laser head
- 技術(shù)創(chuàng )新TMR三維理論TMR three-dimensional theory of technology innovation
- 激光打印laser printing
- 通過(guò)TMR飼養技術(shù)提高奶牛生產(chǎn)性能Improving performance of dairy cattle through TMR feeding technology
- 激光技術(shù)laser technology
- TMR的界面是Tivoli桌面如圖5所示。The interface for the TMR is the Tivoli desktop - shown in Figure 5.
- 不同添加物對奶牛TMR成型效果的影響Effect of different Additives on the Shape of TMR in Milk Cows