- 滔滔而辯spout
- 至most
- 而(shows contrast)
- 商人緊跟著(zhù)探險者而至。Traders came in the wake of the explorers.
- 而不是instead of
- 如期而至come at the appointed time
- 暴風(fēng)雪驟然而至。A snowstorm is coming up hand over fist.
- 沙漠地帶向東延伸經(jīng)阿拉伯而至中亞。Desert land stretches eastward across Arabia into Central Asia.
- 悄然而至come quietly
- 不約而至arrive without invitation
- 旋踵而至arrive in close succession
- 緊接而至follow up immediately
- 一個(gè)騎兵策馬飛奔而至。A trooper arrived at the gallop.
- 隨踵而至come one after another
- 不幸常隨邪惡行為而至。Miseries are attendant on vice.
- 紛紛而至rain in
- 蜂涌而至surge
- 聞聲而至hurry in, hearing sb.'s shout
- 聞風(fēng)而至arrive without delay upon hearing the news
- 黑夜轉瞬而至。Night was fast approaching.