- 解危措施danger releasing measures
- 減沖解危weaken rockburst and reduced danger
- 解to separate
- 血液崩解危象[醫] proteopexic insufficiency
- 解壓decompression
- 濟困扶危Help the weak and support the poor.
- 解壓文件decompressing files
- 濟困醫院aid hospital
- 危danger
- 扶貧濟困care for the needy and those with extreme difficulties
- 抗血細胞崩解危象的[醫] anticolloidoclastic
- 高校濟困助學(xué)aids to poor university students
- 破解analyse and explain
- 高校助學(xué)濟困體系的規范與完善Criterion and Perfection of University Stipend System
- 不解not understand
- 扶貧濟困是習武之人最基本的武德。The basic virtue of a swordsman is to help the weak and the poor.
- 解壓縮decompression
- "勸人生,濟困扶窮,休似俺那愛(ài)銀錢(qián)忘骨肉的狠舅奸兄!"Men should rescue the distressed and aid the poor; Be not like her heartless uncle or treacherous cousin
- 惠民濟困醫院的服務(wù)空間及現狀與對策探討On the Health Service Range and Status of Low Price Hospital and Countermeasures
- 正襟危坐sit properly with a serious mien, sit respectfully