



  • - (氣泡) bubble:

    soap bubbles; 肥皂泡兒

    send up bubbles; rise in bubbles; 冒泡兒

    - (像泡一樣的東西) sth. shaped like a bubble:

    electric light bulb; 電燈泡

    get [raise] blisters on one's palm 手上起了泡

  • - (較長時間地放在液體中) steep; soak:

    steep vegetables in brine; 把蔬菜泡在鹽水里

    Let the clothes soak for a few hours in soapy water. 讓衣服在肥皂水中泡幾小時。

    - (故意消磨時間) dawdle; dillydally:

    Stop dawdling and finish your work! 別瞎泡了,快把工作做完!

  • - (鼓起而松軟的東西) sth. puffy and soft:

    beancurd puff; 豆腐泡兒

    upper eyelid 眼泡

    - (小湖) small lake
  • - (虛而松軟; 不堅硬) spongy:

    This wood is spongy. 這木料發泡。

  • - (用于屎和尿):

    have a shit; 拉一泡屎

    make water; urinate; piss 撒一泡尿



  1. 把這些乾豆子泡一夜。
    Leave the dried beans to soak overnight.
  2. 這盤菜配有什錦泡菜。
    The dish was accompanied by a variety of pickles.
  3. 他的鞋子太重,腳上磨出了水泡。
    His heavy shoes raised blisters on his feet.
  4. 酷熱使建筑物上的油漆起了浮泡。
    The heat had blistered the paint of the building.
  5. 氣體變成氣泡升上水面。
    The gas bubbled to the surface of the water.
  6. 酒發酵時會放出氣泡。
    When wine is fermented it gives off bubbles of gas.
  7. 把那棵植物在水里浸泡幾分鐘。
    Please immerse the plant in water for a few minutes.
  8. 他晚飯吃了一些什錦泡菜和米飯。
    He had some mixed pickles and rice for supper.


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