- 風(fēng)俗custom
- 風(fēng)俗習慣folkways
- 這種風(fēng)俗自十六世紀沿襲下來(lái)。The custom has continued from the 16th century downward.
- 沿襲古代人們的風(fēng)俗followed the ancient customs of their people.
- 他們褻瀆了教會(huì )長(cháng)期沿襲的傳統。They have profane the long uphold tradition of the church.
- 這風(fēng)俗存在于這整個(gè)地區。The custom prevails over the whole area.
- 他不沿襲陳規陋習。He does not follow outdated conventions and bad customs.
- 這種風(fēng)俗是這一地區特有的。The custom is unique to the region.
- 傳統沿襲Tradition inheritance
- 慶祝圣誕節是一種風(fēng)俗。The celebration of Christmas is a custom.
- 社會(huì )風(fēng)俗social custom
- 按照風(fēng)俗習慣辦事Conform to a custom
- 壞的風(fēng)俗應當廢除。Bad customs should be abolished.
- 異教社會(huì )的風(fēng)俗heathen customs
- 他的那部論述當代文學(xué)的書(shū)也順便提到了古代文化中的一些風(fēng)俗習慣。His book on contemporary literature also glances at the customs of ancient cultures.
- 各國風(fēng)俗不同。Customs differ in different countries.
- 這個(gè)風(fēng)俗可追溯到唐朝。This custom can reach back Tang Dynasty.
- 這種舊風(fēng)俗現在已經(jīng)不流行了。This old custom does not prevail now.
- 這個(gè)風(fēng)俗是這個(gè)島上特有的。The custom is proper to the island.
- 離奇的風(fēng)俗quaint customs