- 江南south of the River
- 獲取一個(gè)對Style對象的引用,該對象定義Finish步驟中“上一步”按鈕的設置。Gets a reference to a Style object that defines the settings for the Previous button on the Finish step.
- 江南水鄉the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River
- 江南大學(xué)Southern Yangtze University
- Style 這個(gè)拉丁語(yǔ)中原義為“鐵筆”的名詞,久已被用來(lái)作為駕馭語(yǔ)言這種流動(dòng)事物的藝術(shù),而這種駕馭是具有日益蓬勃的生機審慎的矯健性的。Style, the Latin name for an iron pen, has come to designate the art that handles, with ever fresh vitality and wary alacrity, the fluid elements of speech.
- 自1937年Allport首次提出風(fēng)格一詞之后Herbert Thelen于1954年引入學(xué)習風(fēng)格(learning style)這一概念之后,國內外學(xué)者從不同的角度對其進(jìn)行了大量而廣泛的研究。Since the concept of style was formally introduced by Allport in 1937 and the concept of learning style was first put forward by Herbert Thelen in 1954, extensive researches have been conducted, home and abroad, in this field from different perspectives, mainly on the definitions, classifications, correlations with language learning proficiency and their applications in ESL/ EFL classrooms.
- 江南運河Jiangnan Canal
- 江南絲竹south Yangzi string and pipe ensemble
- 江南古陸Kiangnan old land
- 江南電影制片廠(chǎng)Jiangnan Film Studio
- 江南卷柏Selaginella moellendorfii Hieron.
- 江南古鎮上的林老板賄賂鎮上商會(huì )會(huì )長(cháng),取得出售日貨的默許。Jiangnan town on the lam boss bribery town Chamber of Commerce, with the tacit approval to sell Japanese products.
- 江南一帶景色非常秀麗。The scenery is very beautiful in the southern areas.
- 哀江南賦Lament for the South
- 江南七怪the 7 strange men on south bank of the river
- 叉唱江南Sing For Jiang Nan Again
- 望江南coffee senna
- 江南道Jiangnan Dao
- 綠島江南The Island Opposite and the River Through
- 清朝的康熙帝和乾隆帝酷愛(ài)江南,常借南巡之機暢游西湖。In the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), both Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong were very fond of the scenery of Jiang'Nan. They travelled extensively in the region while making inspection tours.