



  • - (比較; 較量高下、長(cháng)短、距離、好壞等) compare; compete; contrast; match; emulate:

    not to hold a candle [stick] to; cannot compare with; no match for; 比不上

    comparable; can be compared with; 比得上

    - (比方; 比喻) compare to; draw an analogy; liken to:

    may be compared to; be just like; 可比作

    liken it to a paper tiger 把它比做紙老虎

    - (做手勢) gesticulate; gesture:

    gesticulate as one says [talks] 連說(shuō)帶比劃

    - (對著(zhù); 向著(zhù)) be trained on; be directed at:

    train the gun on the enemy 用槍比著(zhù)敵人

    - (仿照)copy; model after:

    draw a gourd ladle on a calabash 比著(zhù)葫蘆畫(huà)瓢

    - (能夠相比)can be compared:

    solid as metal and stone; 堅比金石

    Don't worry about not knowing much about the goods; just compare and you will see which is better. 不怕不識貨,就怕貨比貨。

    - (依附; 勾結) attach oneself to:

    act in collusion with; conspire; gang up 朋比為奸

  • - (比率) ratio; proportion:

    direct ratio [proportion]; 成正比

    inverse [reciprocal] ratio [proportion] 成反比

    - (比較) comparison; contrast:

    without compare 無(wú)比

    - (作詩(shī)的一種手法; 比喻) metaphor in poetry
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Bi Ming 比明

  • - (用來(lái)比較性狀和程度的差別) than:

    getting older and older each year; 一年比一年老

    much bigger than this one; 比這大得多

    - (雙方得分的對比) to (in a score):

    win the match by a score of three to two 以3比2獲勝

  • - (緊靠; 挨著(zhù)) close together; next to:

    row upon row of 鱗次櫛比

    - {物} (比的) specific:

    specific surface area 比表面積

  • - (近來(lái)) recently:

    recently; 比來(lái)

    recently heard 比聞



  1. 在日本,棒球比其他任何運動(dòng)都受人歡迎。
    Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
  2. 這條街道比那條短四倍。
    This street is four times shorter than that one.
  3. 遲到總比不到好。
    Better late than never.
  4. 就我所知,我們的足球隊比他們的有實(shí)力。
    As far as I know, our football team is more advanced than theirs.
  5. 這條街比那條街寬三倍。
    This street is three times wider than that one.
  6. 希望在新的工作崗位上,她的才干能夠得到比以往更好的發(fā)揮。
    It is hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilised than before.
  7. 他比她高5公分。
    He is 5 centimeters taller than her.
  8. 約翰比班上其他的同學(xué)用功。
    John is more diligent than anyone else in his class.


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