- 武備限制Limitation of armaments
- 綱紀廢弛Discipline is lax
- 廢弛cease to be binding; become lax
- 武備defense preparations; armaments and military provisions
- 偃息武備To cease military preparations
- 日益廢弛be on the decline; be declining with every passing day
- 潛艇武備Submarine Arming
- 紀律廢弛。The discipline has been unobserved.
- 速成武備學(xué)堂intensive military academy
- 馮國璋與北洋陸軍速成武備學(xué)堂Feng Guozhang and Bei Yang Land Force Fast-paced Training School
- 軍隊由于過(guò)去一段時(shí)期的混亂,現在有相當一部分紀律廢弛,作風(fēng)不好,在人民中威信下降。Because of the past period of chaos, discipline in much of the army is lax and the work style poor, and this has partly lowered its prestige among the people.
- 電引爆武備在強輻射場(chǎng)強下的安全裕度測量Security Measurement of EED in Strong Electromagnetic Field
- 文化大革命期間,黨的紀律廢弛了,至今還沒(méi)有完全恢復,這也是黨不能發(fā)揮應有作用的一個(gè)重要原因。During the "cultural revolution",Party discipline was lax,and even now it has not yet been fully restored.This is one important reason why the Party is unable to play its proper role.
- 本文從清代戰馬數量考釋入手,探討了清朝經(jīng)制軍隊的馬隊建制、牧場(chǎng)建設及清代馬政在嘉道以降的廢弛情況。This article started with a textual research of the amount of war horse in Qing dynasty, and main discussed the historical changes from three angles, just as establishment for cavalry troop, livestock farm management, and the horse administration.
- 中國軍艦仍有權使用九龍城的碼頭,中國仍保留該處的行政權力,"惟不得與保衛香港之武備有所妨礙"。There, Chinese authority was permitted to continue 'except insofar as may be inconsistent with the military requirements for the defence of Hong Kong'.
- 由于紀律相當廢弛,許多黨員可以自行其是,對黨的路線(xiàn)、方針、政策,黨的決定,黨規定的任務(wù),可以不執行或不完全執行。Because of lax discipline, many Party members simply do as they please, without implementing -- or fully implementing -- the Party's line, principles, policies and decisions or performing their assigned tasks.
- 這艘25米長(cháng)的船又如此值得自豪的活力和護盾輸出,以至于有些武備登記處把這種船列為主力級,一個(gè)常常賦予比它大四倍以上的船只的級別。The25- meter long craft boasted such impressive firepower and shield output that some armament registries listed the vessel as capital-class-- a designation usually reserved for vessels four times the size or larger.
- 二是內容相同 :都進(jìn)行了嚴懲貪官、澄清吏治的政治改革 ,輕徭薄賦、勸課農桑的經(jīng)濟改革 ,整頓軍隊、增強武備的軍事改革 ,并采取了毀佛舉措 ;2.The same content:Both of them carried out political reform of punishing and clarifying the corrupt officials severely; economic reform of lightering taxes and corv'ee and encouraging farming and planting; military reform of strengthening army adn arms;