- 起伏變化的磁場(chǎng)橫向切割著(zhù)次極線(xiàn)圈的線(xiàn)匝和線(xiàn)環(huán)時(shí),會(huì )在這些線(xiàn)環(huán)中引起電壓。The fluctuating mangnetic field cutting across the turns or loops of wire of the secondary coil sets up an electrical pressure or voltage in these loops.
- 這是一次極有啟發(fā)性、極令人興奮的體驗。It can be an enormously enlightening and exciting experience.
- 帶減薄功能的主極線(xiàn)圈數控扁繞機電氣設計Electric design of numerical control flat-coil machine with flouncing reduction function
- 雙腳標隨機序列二次極值的密度函數的收斂The Convergence of Density Function on the Double Extremes of the Random Sequence with Two Subscript
- 他為失去了一次極好的機會(huì )同那個(gè)德高望重的經(jīng)濟學(xué)教授見(jiàn)面而感到難受,因為那天他要去赴一個(gè)重要的商務(wù)約會(huì )。He felt so sad to lose such a good chance to meet with the noble economics professor, because he should have an important business meeting that day.
- 點(diǎn)火線(xiàn)圈ignition coil
- 電磁線(xiàn)圈solenoid coil
- 我們每年合家團聚一次。Our family has a yearly reunion.
- 他是一位極有名望的藝術(shù)家。He is an artist of great renown.
- 這里的農民一年播一次種子。The farmers here sow once a year.
- 我們每周下兩三次棋。We played chess two or three times weekly.
- 我們的國際信譽(yù)極好。Our international credit is excellent.
- 這次考試之難出乎我的意料之外。The exam was more difficult than I had bargained for.
- 有些昆蟲(chóng)極像葉子。There are insects which mimic leaves.
- 我每天刷牙兩次。I brush my teeth twice a day.
- 我想到一個(gè)極好的主意。A brilliant idea occurred to me.
- 司機對那次車(chē)禍應負部分責任。The driver is partially to blame for the accident.
- 他是個(gè)觀(guān)察力極差的人。He is a man of little observation.
- 這趟上山是一次艱難的跋涉。It was a hard trudge up the hill.
- 我每年進(jìn)一次山。I make a yearly trip to the mountains.