



  • - (草木的莖或根) stem or root of plants:

    grass family; 草本

    plants with stiff trunks; the stem of a tree; 木本

    - (事物的根源) foundation; origin; basis:

    forget one's ancestry or tradition; 忘本

    attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials; 舍本逐末

    - (本錢(qián); 本金) capital; principal:

    lose money; 虧本兒

    inadequate capital; 無(wú)本兒

    - (冊子) book:

    residence booklet; 戶(hù)口本兒

    account book 帳本兒

    - (版本) edition; version:

    original edition; 原刻本

    paperbound edition 平裝本

    - (演出的底本) copy:

    script; 劇本

    manuscript copy 抄本

    - (封建時(shí)代指奏章) memorial to the throne:

    memorial to emperor 奏本

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ben Ga 本高

  • - (用于書(shū)籍、簿冊等) book; volume:

    a book of reference; 一本參考書(shū)

    two account books 兩本兒賬

    - (用于一定長(cháng)度的影片) volume; reel:

    a fourteen-reel film 一個(gè)有14本長(cháng)的影片

    - (用于戲曲) volume:

    the first “Red Chamber Dream” 頭本《紅樓夢(mèng)》

  • - (原來(lái)的) original:

    one's ancestral district 本籍

    - (自己方面的) one's own; native:

    our school; 本校

    the products of our factory 本廠(chǎng)產(chǎn)品

    - (主要的; 中心的) principal; central:

    central department 本部

    - (現今的) this; present; current:

    this year; 本年

    the present plan 本計劃

  • - (原來(lái)) originally:

    originally belong to; 本屬于

    should have been so anyway 本該如此

  • - (遵照; 按照) follow; base on; according to:

    base on the principle; 本著(zhù)這一原則

    Every statement is well-founded. 每句話(huà)都有所本。



  1. 這本雜志登載優(yōu)秀的小說(shuō)。
    This magazine published excellent stories.
  2. 這本雜志發(fā)行量很大。
    This magazine has a large circulation.
  3. 本世紀我們已經(jīng)經(jīng)歷了兩次世界大戰。
    We have had two world wars in this century.
  4. 并不是每個(gè)人都喜歡這本書(shū)。
    Not everyone likes this book.
  5. 本周氣溫一直都很熱。
    The temperature has stayed hot this week.
  6. 這本書(shū)是他以前寫(xiě)的劇本的擴充。
    This book is an expansion of the play he wrote before.
  7. 本次會(huì )議將就這些問(wèn)題作出處理。
    The meeting will deal with these problems.
  8. 我喜歡書(shū)架上所有的書(shū),但這本是我最喜歡的。
    I like all the books on the shelf but this one is my favorite.


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