- 未雨綢繆 [wèi yǔ chóu móu]
- save [lay up] against a rainy day; Don't have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.; have an anchor to windward; have forethought; In good times provision should be made for bad times.; make hay while the sun shines; make provision for ...; provide [prepare] against a rainy day [rainy days]; provide against the future; provide against the inclemency of the weather; put away for a rainy day; repair the house before it rains; take precautions beforehand; take preventive measures
雖說(shuō)她不知道兒子長(cháng)大以后究竟會(huì )怎樣,但是未雨綢繆總是沒(méi)有錯。
She didn't know what her son might turn out to be, but it was always well to cast an anchor to windward. -
雖說(shuō)他不知道兒子大了以后究竟會(huì )怎樣,可是未雨綢繆總沒(méi)錯兒。
He did not know what his son might turn out to be, but it was always well to have an anchor to windward. -
Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.