



  • - (早晨) morning:

    early in the morning; 清早

    from morning till night 從早到晚

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zao Ledong 早樂東

  • - (很久以前) long ago; as early as; for a long time:

    as early as in the childhood; 早在童年時代

    He left long ago. 他早走了。

  • - (時間在先的) early:

    premature white hair; 早白頭

    early rice 早稻

    - (比一定的時間靠前) early; beforehand; in advance:

    goods delivered in advance; 提早交貨

    get prepared in advance; make timely preparations; 早作準備

    - (問候的話,用于早晨見面時互相招呼) good morning:

    Good morning, teacher. 老師早!



  1. 他每天早晨花兩個小時練習賽跑。
    Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.
  2. 我是今天早晨從報紙上知道這條消息的。
    I learned this piece of news from the newspaper this morning.
  3. 早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。
    He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning.
  4. 今天早晨你真的感到身體不適嗎?
    Did you really feel ill this morning?
  5. 你愈早戒煙愈好。
    You cannot quit smoking too soon.
  6. 只要有船,我們就盡早裝貨。
    We'll ship the goods at an early time as long as there is a steamer.
  7. 那么早起來沒有任何意義。
    It doesn't make any sense to get up so early.
  8. 現在起床還太早。
    It's too early for getting up.
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