



  • - (剛出現的或剛經驗到的) new; fresh; novel; up-to-date:

    up to the minute; 最新(式)的

    new custom [practice]; 新風尚

    - (沒有用過的) unused; new:

    new clothes; 新衣服

    take out an unused rope; 拿出一根新繩子

    - (結婚不久的) recently married:

    newlywed 新人

  • - (新近; 剛) newly; freshly; recently:

    a newly built factory; 新建的工廠

    a freshly-painted door; 新上油漆的門

  • - (使變成新的) make new; renew:

    reform oneself; correct one's errors and make a fresh start; 改過自新

    repent and start anew; 悔過自新

  • - (新的人或事物) new:

    weed through the old to bring forth the new; 推陳出新

    love the new and loathe the old; be fickle in affection 喜新厭舊

    - (新疆) short for the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Xin Ming 新明

    - [前綴] ne-; neo-:

    Neo-Darwinism 新達爾文主義



  1. 你跟你的新上司處得如何?
    How are you doing with your new boss?
  2. 我在七點鐘的新聞報道中聽到了這則消息。
    I heard it on the 7 o'clock news.
  3. 北京廣播電臺向全世界播送新聞。
    Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.
  4. 我正在用我新買的煎鍋做蘋果餡餅。
    I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan.
  5. 希望在新的工作崗位上,她的才干能夠得到比以往更好的發揮。
    It is hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilised than before.
  6. 新政府上臺后,我們有幾個計劃被砍掉了。
    Several of our plans got the axe when the new government came in.


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