- 我一點(diǎn)兒也不信任她。她一旦用不著(zhù)你,就把你棄之如敝屣。I wouldn't trust her an inch. She'll cast you aside like an old shoe when she has no further use for you.
- 他待她如敝屣。He treats her like dirt.
- 棄如敝屣to reject something as if it were worthless
- 如今很多人棄誠信如同敝屣,這是非??膳碌?。It is dangerous that many people view integrity as having little more value than a worn out boot.
- 否認這點(diǎn)就被天主教和東正教(還有信福音主義者)視之為異端。Denial of this is considered heretical by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox (and Evangelicals) alike.
- 之後afterwards
- 睨而視之To look askant at it
- 不足之處limitations
- 敝poor
- 視口viewport
- 屣slippers
- 視訊video
- 隨之thereupon; therewith
- 頁(yè)視Pageview
- 之處part; point
- 敝屣worn-out shoes
- 后視backsight
- 之行trip
- 敝人向貴公司申請擔任會(huì )計員一事,承蒙回復,十分感謝。I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
- 蔽屣a worthless thing