



  • - (把攤開的或分散的事物聚集、合攏) put away; take in:

    put the tools away; 收工具

    Will you please put those things away? 勞駕把這些東西收走。

    - (收?。?collect:

    collect scrap; 收廢品

    collect water and electricity bills; 收水電費

    - (收割) harvest; gather in:

    harvest rice with combines; 用聯合收割機收稻子

    The wheat crop had been gathered in before the storm came. 暴風雨到來之前小麥已經收完了。

    - (接; 接受; 容納) receive; accept:

    Please accept it as a present. 請把它作為一件禮物收下。

    I've just received a telegram. 我剛收到一份電報。

    - (收縮) close:

    The wound has healed. 傷收口了。

    - (約束; 控制) restrain; control:

    The boy can't get his mind off play. 孩子玩得心都收不回來了。

    - (結束; 停止)bring to an end;stop:

    It's getting late. Let's call it a day. 時間不早了,今天就收了吧。

  • - (收獲) harvest:

    bumper harvest; 豐收

    autumn harvest 秋收

    - (收入) money received; receipts; income:

    tax revenue 稅收



  1. 我們都幫忙收割。
    We all helped the harvest.
  2. 我們今年取得了大豐收。
    We have a plenteous harvest this year.
  3. 歉收引起食物嚴重短缺。
    The bad harvest led to severe food shortage.
  4. 因為現在是收獲期,所以我們都非常忙。
    We are all very busy because it's the harvest time.
  5. 農民們正在田野里收割稻子。
    The peasants are harvesting rice in the field.
  6. 我喜歡收集秋天赤褐色的葉子。
    I like to collect russet autumn leaves.
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