



  • - (分支; 支派) branch; offshoot:

    general Party branch; 黨總支

    branch store 支店

    - (地支) the twelve Earthly Branches
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zhi Shucai 支叔才

  • - (撐) prop up; put up; hold:

    put up an umbrella; 把傘支開

    hold a platform by pillars; 用柱子支住平臺

    - (伸出; 豎起) stick; protrude; prick:

    with one's incisor or front teeth protruded; 門牙往外支著

    prick up its or one's ears 支起耳朵

    - (支持) support; sustain; hold up; bear:

    lack of physical strength; too tired to go on doing sth.; too weak physically to stand it; 體力不支

    overwhelmed with joy; overjoyed; 樂不可支

    - (調度; 指使) order; send away; put sb. off:

    order sb. about; 支嘴兒

    send him away on some pretext or other; 借故支開他

    - (付出) pay out; disburse:

    pay expenses; 開支

    pay him a month salary in advance 預支給他一個月的工錢

    - (領?。?receive; get payment; draw (money):

    overdraw; 透支

    draw money from the finance section 從財務科支款

  • - (用于隊伍等):

    a contingent of troops; 一支軍隊

    a guerrilla detachment 一支游擊支隊

    - (用于歌曲或樂曲):

    sing a folk song; 唱支山歌

    a piano concerto 一支鋼琴協奏曲

    - (用于電燈的光度):

    fifty candlepower; 50支燭光

    a 60-watt bulb 60支光的燈泡

    - (用于細長物):

    a writing brush; 一支毛筆

    a candle 一支蠟燭

    - {紡} (紗線粗細程度的計算單位) count:

    100-count yarn; 100支紗

    coarse yarn 粗支紗



  1. 他們出示了一些統計數字來支持他們的論點。
    They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument.
  2. 我們深深感謝你的支持。
    We are deeply grateful for your support.
  3. 別擔心,我會支持你的。
    Do not fear; I will support you.
  4. 他引用《圣經》來支持他的信仰。
    He quotes the Bible to support his beliefs.
  5. 讓我們互相支持,互相鼓勵。
    Let's give mutual support and inspiration to each other.
  6. 我們請求她在選舉中給予支持,但她無動于衷。
    We asked for her support in the election, but she wasn't sympathetic.
  7. 我完全支持你。
    I'll support you to the hilt.
  8. 如果今晚這支足球隊不能贏球,他們將會被降級。
    If this football team doesn't get a result tonight, they will be put down into a lower division.


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