- 會(huì )面meet with
- 錄像會(huì )面室;錄像接見(jiàn)室video interview room
- 他提前到達會(huì )面地點(diǎn)。He arrived at the meeting place beforehand.
- 非常感謝你這次接見(jiàn)。I thank you very much indeed for this interview.
- 我試圖掩飾初次會(huì )面時(shí)的不自然。I tried to smooth over the awkwardness of this first meeting.
- 首相接見(jiàn)了那位大使。The Prime Minister granted an audience to the ambassador.
- 這兩個(gè)對手終于決定講和,在朋友舉行的晚宴上會(huì )面了。The two opponents decided at last to sheathe the sword and met at a dinner given by their friend.
- 現在校長(cháng)可以接見(jiàn)你。The principal is available now.
- 大使受到國王的正式接見(jiàn)。The ambassador was received in audience by the king.
- 我安排與他秘密會(huì )面。I arranged to meet him in secret.
- 親自接見(jiàn)a personal interview
- 我們定期會(huì )面討論事務(wù)。We meet regularly to discuss business.
- 應征者將按到達先后次序被接見(jiàn)。The candidates will be interviewed in order of arrival.
- 我們什么時(shí)候會(huì )面合適?What time is suitable for us to meet?
- 最后,大使接見(jiàn)了他。Finally he was seen by the ambassador.
- 他們共同促成了兩人的會(huì )面。They conspired to bring about the meeting of the two people.
- 他一有空就會(huì )接見(jiàn)你。He will see you as soon as he can.
- 他們定期會(huì )面。They meet with great regularity.
- 總統正式接見(jiàn)客人。The president welcomed his guests in a ceremonial way.
- 那是他們初次會(huì )面.It was the first time they had ever met.