



  • - (按次序擺; 排列; 編排) arrange; put in order:

    put the desks in order; 把課桌排整齊

    line up three deep; 排成三列橫隊

    - (排演) rehearse:

    dress rehearsal; 彩排

    rehearse a play 排戲

    - (用力除去) exclude; eject; discharge:

    drain the water away; 把水排出去

    prevail over all dissenting views; 力排眾議

    - (沖開; 推開) push:

    push the door open and go straight in 排闥直入

  • - (橫著排成的行列) row; line:

    back [front] row; 后[前]排

    sit in the middle row 坐在中排

    - {軍} (軍隊編制單位) platoon:

    militiaman platoon; 民兵排

    The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon. 中尉被委任指揮一個步兵排。

    - (扎成排的竹子或木頭) raft:

    timber [bamboo] raft 木[竹]排

    - (一種西式糕點) pie:

    apple pie 蘋果排

  • - (用于成行列的東西) row; line:

    a row of poplars; 一排白楊樹

    a row [line] of chairs 一排椅子



  1. 營長命令士兵們沿鐵軌排開。
    The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.
  2. 孩子們整整齊齊排好隊。
    The children lined up in an orderly fashion.
  3. 這一排排的房屋外表都是一樣的。
    The rows of houses were uniform in appearance.
  4. 這些羊被趕在一起,排成歪歪扭扭的一行。
    The sheep were herded into a ragged line.
  5. 這位網球運動員排名世界第三。
    This tennis player ranked third in the world.
  6. 山腳下有幾排帳篷。
    There are rows of tents at the foot of the mountain.
  7. 街那頭是一排小商店。
    On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops.
  8. 學生們手牽手站成一排。
    Students stand hand in hand in a row.


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