



  • - (用手或手指壓) press; push down:

    press [push] a button; 按電鈕

    ring a doorbell; 按門鈴

    - (壓住; 擱下) leave aside; shelve:

    leave this aside for the moment 按下此事不提

    - (抑制) restrain; control:

    be unable to restrain [control] one's anger 按不住心頭怒火

    - (用手壓住不動) keep one's hand on; keep a tight grip on:

    put one's hand on the sword; 按劍

    keep a tight grip on the control lever 按住操縱桿

    - (考查; 核對) check; refer to:

    There's the original to refer to. 有原文可按。

  • - (依照) according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of; on; unto; by:

    at cost; 按成本

    fix the price according to the quality; 按質定價

  • - (經考核后下的論斷) note:

    the editor's notes 編者按



  1. 他按鍵招呼電梯。
    He pressed the button to call the lift.
  2. 他輕輕按下手柄。
    He pressed lightly on the handle.
  3. 按這個按鈕開動引擎。
    Press this button to start the engine.
  4. 圖書館里的藏書按科目分類。
    The books in the library were distributed according to subjects.
  5. 按一般人在這些問題上的看法,選民常常著眼于國內問題來選擇候選人。
    According to conventional wisdom, voters usually make their choice on the basis of domestic issues.
  6. 工作正按計劃進行。
    The work is proceeding according to plan.
  7. 雙方都應按協議條款辦事。
    Both sides should act according to the provisions of the agreement.
  8. 你按下這個按鈕就可以關機。
    You may stop the machine by pushing this button.


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