



  • - (用手或其他方式抓住或搬動(dòng)物體) hold; take:

    bring it here; 拿來(lái)

    take it away; 拿去

    - (用強力取; 捉拿) seize; capture:

    take the enemy's positions; 拿下敵人的陣地

    capture a fort; 拿下要塞

    - (掌握; 把握) have a firm grasp of; be able to do; be sure of:

    not be sure; feel uncertain; 拿不準

    She can do every kind of farm work. 樣樣農活她都拿得起來(lái)。

    - (刁難; 要挾) put sb. in a difficult position; make things difficult for sb.:

    Don't think that you can make things difficult by not doing the job. 這件事你拿不住人。

  • - (引進(jìn)所憑藉的工具、材料、方法等):

    write with a pen; 拿筆寫(xiě)字

    measure with a ruler; 拿尺量

    - (引進(jìn)所處置的對象):

    pay no attention to him; make light of foe; 不拿他當回事

    Don't make fun of him. 別拿他開(kāi)玩笑。



  1. 殖民地的人們拿起武器反抗英國統治者。
    The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
  2. 他們拿起武器保衛祖國。
    They took up arms in defence of their country.
  3. 他從箱子里拿出一本書(shū)。
    He took out a book from the case.
  4. 我瞧不起那些工作不順心就拿家里人出氣的男人。
    I look down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.
  5. 據說(shuō)他們又從加拿大訂購了一些糧食。
    They are said to have ordered more grain from Canada.
  6. 你拿到火車(chē)票了嗎?
    Have you got your train ticket?
  7. 警察設下了捉拿竊賊的圈套。
    The police set a trap to catch the thief.
  8. 警方還未得到可捉拿這個(gè)罪犯的足夠情報。
    The police haven't got enough information to catch the criminal.


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