



  • - (用手臂圍?。?carry in breast; hold with both arms; embrace:

    carry a bundle of firewood; 抱柴禾

    take a baby in one's arms; 抱小孩兒

    - (初次得到) have one's first child or grandchild:

    have a son; 抱上兒子了

    She'll soon be a grandmother. 她快抱孫子了。

    - (領養孩子) adopt a baby:

    adopted child 抱養的孩子

    - (結合在一起) hang together:

    hang together; gang up; band together 抱團兒

    - (衣、鞋大小合適) fit nicely:

    fit the feet nicely 抱腳兒

    - (存在心里; 懷有) cherish; nourish; harbour:

    take an optimistic attitude; 抱樂觀態度

    entertain a hope; 抱希望

    - (負有) carry on; burdened with:

    suffer sorrow of 抱痛

    - (孵卵成雛) hatch eggs; brood:

    hatch chickens 抱小雞兒

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Bao Yi 抱嶷

  • - (兩臂合圍的量) armful:

    an armful of firewood; 一抱柴

    an armful of books 一抱書



  1. 她把孩子抱在懷里。
    She nestled the baby in her arms.
  2. 我已寫一封抱怨信給國家鐵路部門,總得有人要支持提高服務標準。
    I've written a letter of complaint to State Rail; somebody has got to carry the banner for better standards of service.
  3. 莊園主宅第是一棟環抱在美麗的花園中的大理石房子。
    The manor is a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden.
  4. 我抱不動你。
    I haven't the strength to carry you.
  5. 他抱有她愛他的幻覺,但他錯了。
    He cherished the illusion that she loved him, but he was wrong.


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