



  • - (告知; 報告)report; declare; announce:

    report a fire; 報火警

    report sorrow 報憂

    - (回答) reply; respond; reciprocate:

    respond with a smile; 報之一笑

    a (letter in) reply to a friend 報友人書

    - (答謝) show gratitude to; recompense; repay; requite:

    make oneself worthy of sb.'s care and upbringing; 報養育之恩

    requite kindness with ingratitude; return evil for good; 以怨報德

    - (報復) show vengeance to:

    revenge for private grudge 報私仇

  • - (報紙) newspaper:

    China Daily; 中國日報

    evening paper 晚報

    - (期刊) periodical; journal:

    weekly; 周報

    college journal; 學報

    - (傳達信息的文件或信號)bulletin; report:

    playbill; 海報

    war bulletin; 戰報

    - (電報) telegram; cable:

    send [transmit] a telegram 發報

    - {宗} (報應) retribution:

    retribution before our eyes 現報



  1. 我是今天早晨從報紙上知道這條消息的。
    I learned this piece of news from the newspaper this morning.
  2. 我從報紙上得知這個消息。
    I learned this news from the newspaper.
  3. 我要報一宗盜竊案。
    I want to report a theft.
  4. 你愿意幫我寫報告嗎?
    Would you help me with the report?
  5. 報紙每天都送來。
    Newspapers are delivered every day.
  6. 他看了報紙后才知道那則報導。
    Only when he read the newspaper did he know the story.
  7. 現在賣報紙利潤很少。
    There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
  8. 報紙上他的名字一下字跳入我的眼簾。
    His name leapt out at me from the newspaper.


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