



  • - (手指聚攏,使物體固定在手中) grab; clutch; get; seize; grasp:

    clutch fast; 一把抓住

    seize a rope; 抓緊繩子

    - (搔抓) scratch:

    scratch an itch; 抓癢

    scratch one's head; 抓頭皮

    - (捉拿; 捕捉) arrest; catch; seize:

    seize the spy; 抓特務

    press-gang labourer; 抓勞工

    - (特別著重) stress; pay special attention to; emphasize:

    emphasize the quality of the products; 抓產品質量

    watch out for the first signs; 抓苗頭

    - (搶著做) seize; grasp:

    seize an opportunity; grasp at an opportunity; 抓機會

    grasp the nettle 大膽抓起棘手問題

    - (負責做) take charge of; be responsible for:

    He is a vice-president for academic affairs. 他是抓業務的副校長。

    He is in charge of the work. 這項工作由他抓。

    - (吸引) attract; draw; fascinate:

    The play gripped the audience soon after it started. 劇一開始就抓住了觀眾。

    He attracted listeners' attention with his speech. 他的演講抓住了聽眾。



  1. 我給他這一機會,他立刻抓住不放。
    When I gave him the chance, he grabbed it at once.
  2. 他抓住我的領子把我拉倒他面前。
    He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.
  3. 老鷹抓住小雞飛走了。
    The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away.
  4. 抓住這個機會,否則你會后悔的。
    Seize the chance, otherwise you'll regret it.
  5. 獅子抓住獵物,把它吃了。
    The lion seized its prey and ate it.
  6. 當他跌倒時,便往一條懸掛的繩子抓去。
    As he fell, he caught hold of a hanging chain.
  7. 他跑得飛快,足以抓住那小偷。
    He ran fast enough to catch the thief.
  8. 別再猶豫了,一有機會就抓住它!
    Don't hesitate; seize the first opportunity that comes along!


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