



  • - (向上承受) support from under:

    rest one's chin in the right hand; 右手托著下巴

    hold sth. on the open palm; 托在手里

    - (陪襯) set off; serve as a contrast or foil:

    make sth. stand out by contrast; set off; 襯托

    paint clouds to set off the moon; provide a foil to set off a character or incident in a literary work 烘云托月

    - (委托; 寄托) entrust; trust:

    ask sb.'s favour; 托人情

    leave a house in sb.'s care; 托人照看家

    - (推托) give as a pretext; offer as an excuse; plead:

    plead illness 托病

    - (依賴) rely on; owe to; thanks to:

    Thanks to our hard work, we can fulfil the task on time. 托賴大家的努力,才能按時完成任務。

  • - (托子; 類似托子的東西) base; support; sth. serving as a support:

    saucer; 茶托兒

    receptacle; 花托

  • - (壓強單位) torr



  1. 摩托車手必須戴頭盔保護自己免受傷害。
    Motorcyclists must wear helmets to shield them from injury.
  2. 他托我照看一天孩子。
    He's entrusted his children to my care for a day.
  3. 貨物已由鐵路托運到你處。
    The goods were consigned to you by railway.
  4. 我能把這些秘密計劃委托給你嗎?
    Can I entrust you with the secret plans?
  5. 他信任地委托我在他出國期間代行他的職務。
    He confidentially authorised me to act for him while he was abroad.


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