



  • - (速度高; 走路、做事等費的時(shí)間短) fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy:

    be quick in action; 動(dòng)作快

    very fast; 快極了

    - (趕快; 從速) hurry up; make haste:

    Hurry in, children. It's raining! 孩子們,快進(jìn)來(lái),下雨啦 !

    Bring the doctor in haste. 快把醫生請來(lái)。

    - (速度) speed:

    How fast can this car go? 這車(chē)能跑多快?

    - (靈敏) quick-witted; ingenious:

    quick of eye and deft of hand; 眼明手快

    He has a quick mind.; He's quick-witted.; He understands things quickly. 他腦子快。

    - (刀、剪、斧子等鋒利) sharp; keen:

    a sharp ax(e); 快斧

    This knife is very sharp. 這把刀很快。

    - (爽快; 痛快; 直截了當) straightforward; forthright; plainspoken:

    straightforward and outspoken 心直口快

    - (愉快; 高興; 舒服) pleased; happy; gratified:

    to the immense satisfaction of the people; 大快人心

    clap and cheer; 拍手稱(chēng)快

  • - (迅速地) quickly:

    Come here quickly! 快來(lái)!

    - (快要; 將近) soon; before long:

    The Spring Festival is drawing near. 春節快到了。

    The class will be over soon. 快下課了。

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Kuai Qin 快欽



  1. 他能跑得和我一樣快。
    He can run as fast as I can.
  2. 我喜歡節奏快的音樂(lè )。
    I like fast music.
  3. 老人快步走開(kāi)了。
    The old man set off at a quick trot.
  4. 他的車(chē)禍給了他一個(gè)教訓,使他不再開(kāi)快車(chē)。
    His car accident has been a lesson to him to stop driving too fast.
  5. 他跑得飛快,足以抓住那小偷。
    He ran fast enough to catch the thief.
  6. 吉姆跑得快,但我跑得也一樣快。
    Jim runs fast, but I run just as fast.
  7. 我們很快就吃完了巧克力蛋糕。
    We soon despatched the chocolate cake.
  8. 樹(shù)葉已開(kāi)始變色,很快就是冬天了。
    The leaves have started to color; it will soon be winter.
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