- 斯特朗不愿過(guò)那一種循規蹈距的安逸舒適的生活,自己奮斗去了。Strong refused to live the tame easy life that he could have lived but struck out for himself.
- 循規蹈距follow rules docilely
- 應規蹈矩foe the line
- 道德循規期conventional level
- 循規進(jìn)化說(shuō)nomogenesis
- 枚舉enumerate
- 循規性散光astigmatism with the rule
- 舉國歡騰。The whole nation is jubilant.
- 他把一袋糧食舉上肩。He hiked up a sack of grain on his shoulder.
- 首相很生氣,因為他的政府中有些成員不循規守紀。The Prime Minister is angry because some members of his government are not toeing the line.
- 他舉槍瞄準獵物。He leveled his gun at the prey.
- 新規new regulation
- 他力氣很大,能舉起那塊石頭。He is strong enough to lift that rock.
- 舉國奮起抗擊外來(lái)侵略。The whole land rose to resist foreign aggression.
- 我舉拳重擊埃迪。I raised a fist to slug Eddie.
- 狗循氣味追獵狐貍。Dogs scented after foxes.
- 板規plate gauge
- 中規equator
- 唯有檢方負有舉證責任The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone.
- 唱針正循著(zhù)唱片紋路移動(dòng)。The stylus is traveling in a groove.