- 把二百年的歷史濃縮在一個(gè)講座中很是困難。It is difficult to telescope200 years of history into one lecture.
- 我的助手已變得有些多管閑事,因而使我覺(jué)得很是不安。My assistant has become a bit of a back-seat driver and it's getting on my nerves.
- 很久a month of Sundays
- 很大的prodigiouss
- 很可能in all probability
- 姑娘們很愉快,因為房子很是華麗的,而且接待是相當熱情。The girls were nothing loth, for the house was splendid, and the welcome kind enough.
- 你在處理我們最近遇到的問(wèn)題時(shí)表現出了超凡的才干,我很是欽佩。I celebrate your ability to deal with the problem we have been facing lately.
- 該住宅位于市鎮中心,很是方便。The house is conveniently located within the town centre.
- 該地區的居民對這吵鬧聲很是不滿(mǎn)。The residents of the area are unhappy about the noise.
- 她在一家商店櫥窗里看見(jiàn)那頂帽子,對它很是喜歡。She saw the hat in a shop window and it caught her fancy.
- 她對中東目前局勢的看法很是精準。Her judgements on the present situation in the middle east are precise.
- 房間里家俱精美,照居住者審美觀(guān)看來(lái),布置得很是典雅,足以給人安慰了。There was fine furniture, arranged as soothingly as the artistic perception of the occupants warranted.
- 他們倆的收入都很高,生活很是安逸。They live in comfort because they both have high salaries.
- 亞巴郎為了他這兒子的事很是苦惱。The thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight on account of his son.
- Heyward至今念念不忘那個(gè)有波士頓社交名流出席的婚禮,每每想起,很是驕傲自豪。The wedding, which Heyward still remember with pride, was attended by a Who's Whoof Boston Society.
- 獅子座:有人悄悄送了一支玫瑰,這讓你很是惱火,因為至少該送一打玫瑰??!Leo: You are displeased by the single red rose some admirer left on your windshield. Clearly you are worth at least a dozen!
- 我起初夾在一群老外中間很是別扭。I felt out of place among the foreigners at first.
- 當時(shí),費城也有這么一個(gè)怪人,一位很有名氣的老人看上去很有見(jiàn)識,講話(huà)很是莊重。Such a one there lived in Philadelphia; a person of note, an elderly man, with a wise look and a very grave manner of speaking.
- 店老板見(jiàn)他告辭得如此匆忙,很是驚訝。The shopkeeper was surprised to find him depart at such speed.
- 我們疲乏不堪, 迷了路又餓著(zhù)肚子, 處境很是窘迫。We were in a sorry plight, tired, lost and hungry.