- 如果事情不如你的意,你大發(fā)一場(chǎng)脾氣呢,還是做個(gè)和事佬?When things aren't going your way, do you throw a tantrum or are you the peacemaker?
- 曾經(jīng)企圖在中東爭端中充當和事佬的美國政客們挑起了對伊拉克的戰爭。The American politicians who used to try to be the peace maker in the Middle East disputes stared war on Iraq.
- 沒(méi)錯兒,我就恨這個(gè)?,F在,我們要的是強有力的、有主見(jiàn)的領(lǐng)導人,可不是和事佬兒。B: Yes, I hate that. At present, what we want is a strong, independent leader, not a bunch of yes-man.
- 亞伯,舊約中亞當和夏娃的兒子,后被其兄該隱殺害in the Old Testament,the son of Adam and Eve who was slain by his elder brother,Cain
- 保羅不會(huì )繼續替他們的吵架做和事佬吧。Paul will not continue to arbitrate their arguments.
- 當和前輩談話(huà)時(shí)同事可能會(huì )詆毀你。Colleagues may try to undermine you when talking to superiors.
- 《圣經(jīng)》中亞當和夏娃的故事the biblical story of Adam and Eve
- 家庭里的和事佬the peacekeeper in the family.
- 當心to take care
- 當家manage household affairs
- 理事(n) councilman
- 亞伯《舊約》中亞當和夏娃的兒子,后被其兄該隱殺害In the Old Testament, the son of Adam and Eve who was slain by his elder brother, Cain.
- 當下instantly
- 多事meddlesome
- 當歸angelica
- 事由main content
- 某事something
- 當真take seriously
- 無(wú)事impunity
- 當道be in power