



  • - (答應) answer; respond:

    I called him, but he didn't answer. 喊他他不應。

    - (答應做,應許) agree (to do sth.); promise; accept:

    I don't remember I ever promised that. 我不記得曾應過這件事。

    I'm the one who took on the job, so let me take care of it. 這事是我應下來的,由我負責吧。

    - (應該) should; ought to:

    one's bounden duty; 應盡的義務

    a right to which one is entitled; 應享受的權利

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ying Shao 應劭

  • - (回答) answer; respond to; echo:

    hundreds respond to a single call; 一呼百應

    The valleys echo the sounds of the mountains. 山鳴谷應。

    - (滿足要求) comply with; grant:

    to meet the needs of the broad reading public; 為應廣大讀者需要

    in order to fill an urgent need; 以應急需

    - (順應; 適應) suit; respond to:

    be easy to handle and work with great efficiency 得心應手

    - (應付) deal with; cope with:

    meet the enemy calmly 從容應敵



  1. 大家的反應如何難以估計。
    It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.
  2. 她的祈禱應驗了,兒子平安地回到了家。
    Her prayer answered and her son came home safely.
  3. 資料應該明白易懂。
    The information ought to be made more accessible.
  4. 有許多不良的習俗和法規應予以廢除。
    There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished.
  5. 生活應遵守規律,因為規律對健康有益。
    Regularity ought to be observed, as regularity is very conducive to health.
  6. 你應該小心一點,知道嗎?
    You ought to be more careful, you know.
  7. 你應該扔掉這輛舊自行車,買一輛新的。
    You ought to scrap the old bike and buy a new one.
  8. 我看你不應該。
    I don't think you ought to.


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