



  • - (古代指盾) shield
    - (天干) short for the ten Heavenly Stems
    - (水邊) the edge of waters:

    river bank 江干

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Gan Bao 干寶

    - (加工制成的干食品) dried food:

    biscuit; 餅干

    raisin; 葡萄干兒

  • - (沒(méi)有水分或水分很少) dry:

    dry towel; 干毛巾

    sun dry; 曬干

    - (不用水的) waterless:

    dry cleaner; 干洗劑

    dry oil 干性油

    - (空虛; 空無(wú)所有) empty; hollow:

    outwardly strong but inwardly weak; 外強中干

    cleaned out in gambling; 輸干了

    - (指拜認的親屬關(guān)系) taken into nominal kinship:

    adopted daughter 干女兒

    - (形容說(shuō)話(huà)太直太粗) rough; rude; boorish:

    Don't have a rough tongue. 說(shuō)話(huà)別那么干。

  • - (冒犯) offend:

    offend 干犯

    - (牽連; 涉及) have to do with; be concerned with; be implicated in; interfere with:

    What has this to do with you? 與你何干?

    It has nothing to do with me.; It's none of my business. 這事與我無(wú)干。

    - (追求) request; seek:

    seek official preferment; 干進(jìn)

    seek official position 干祿

    - (當面使人難堪) scold:

    I gave him a scolding. 我又干了他一頓。

    - (慢待; 置之不理) coldshoulder; leave sb. out in the cold:

    gave us again the coldshoulder; coldshoulder us again; 把咱們又干起來(lái)了

    The host went off, leaving them out in the cold. 主人走了,把他們干在這兒了。

  • - (徒勞) with no result; futilely; in vain:

    I wasted a lot of time for him (and he didn't turn up). 我干等了他半天。

    - (只具形式的) superficially:

    howling without tears; 干嚎

    vomit and throw up nothing 干嘔

    - (僅僅) only; with nothing else:

    has only this bit of skill; 干憑這點(diǎn)本事

    depend only on the small salary 干靠這點(diǎn)工資



  1. 仙人掌生長(cháng)在干旱地區。
    Cacti live in dry regions.
  2. 我必須買(mǎi)一節新的干電池了。
    I have to buy a new dry cell.
  3. 土太干了,不能種東西。
    The soil is too dry for planting.
  4. 干燥的天氣之后,人人都希望下雨。
    After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain.
  5. 她把衣服晾出來(lái)曬干以前先把它們擰干。
    She wrung out the clothes before hanging them up to dry.
  6. 最簡(jiǎn)短的回答是干。
    The shortest answer is doing.
  7. 這些年,他干了許多可恥的事情。
    He has done many dishonorable things these years
  8. 你干得很好。
    You did a good job.


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