- 有to have
- 常用in common usage
- 常often
- 有點(diǎn)rather
- 要有need
- 對一個(gè)工薪人員來(lái)說(shuō)假期并不常有。Holidays are few and far between for a salary man.
- 有問(wèn)題something the matter
- 有事have ... on
- 有用useful
- 我們公司過(guò)去和他們的公司常有業(yè)務(wù)往來(lái)。Our company used to do business with theirs.
- 接傳回來(lái)的球,常有被投球手擊中的危險。There is always the danger of being caught by the howler from a played-back ball.
- 圓形山谷一種出現在山脈谷地上端的陡峭山谷,常有小湖泊A steep hollow, often containing a small lake, occurring at the upper end of a mountain valley.
- 在工人缺少保護的施工現場(chǎng),常有石塊和施工用具墜落下來(lái)。Falling rocks and equipment were just a part of the job from which the workers'had little protection.
- 在美國,進(jìn)行游說(shuō)使議案在國會(huì )通過(guò)是常有的事。Lobbying a bill through congress is a common practice in the U.S.A.
- 奧斯勒病遺傳出血性毛細管擴張,常有鼻衄,慢性青紫合并Osler disease
- 嬰兒在喂奶后,回嘔出一點(diǎn)兒奶是常有的事。It is common for an infant to spit up a little milk after being fed.
- 常有檢查員來(lái)查看機器是否運轉正常。Every so often an inspector calls to see that the machine is in working order.
- 南非民間舞曲;樂(lè )器演奏中常有口哨的加入。a kind of danceable music popular among black South Africans; includes a whistle among its instruments.
- 富人不僅夏天常有假期,冬天也常有。Well-to-do people often have holidays in the winter as well as the summer.
- 在一出劇的兩部分中間,常有幕間休息。In between parts of a play, there is often a interval.