



  • - (傳授知識、技術的人) teacher; master:

    advocate students respecting teachers and teachers cherishing students; 提倡尊師愛生

    honour the teacher and respect his teachings; 尊師重道

    - (學習的榜樣) model; example:

    Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future. 前事不忘,后事之師。

    - (掌握專門學術或技藝的人) a person skilled in a certain profession:

    engineer; 工程師

    technician; 技師

    - (對和尚的尊稱) honorific title for a Buddhist monk
    - (由師徒關系產生的) of one's master or teacher:

    the wife of one's teacher or master 師母

    - (軍隊的編制單位) division:

    infantry division; 步兵師

    armoured division 裝甲師

    - (軍隊) troops; army:

    dispatch troops to fight; send out an army; 出師

    powerful army; 雄師

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Shi Bohun 師伯渾

  • - (學習; 仿效) imitate:

    imitate the ancients; 師古

    learn from his good points 師其所長



  1. 老師正在審閱湯姆的英語答卷。
    The teacher is reading Tom's English paper.
  2. 這位老師給他的學生們定下高標準。
    The teacher sets high standard for his pupils.
  3. 要仔細聽才能聽懂老師講的課。
    Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher.
  4. 一個好老師總是盡力為學生解答。
    A good teacher never fails to try his best to answer his students.
  5. 珍和瑪麗是好朋友,前者是老師,后者是護士。
    Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse.
  6. 我征求這位老師的意見。
    I asked the teacher for her advice.
  7. 在交響樂曲的創作上,他堪稱技藝大師。
    In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman.


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